Gabriel Nussbaum

Ph.D Candidate

B.A. in Slavic Studies, Brown University (2016)


Year Begun: 2020
Research Interests: Parody and the grotesque in Russian prose, Russian Formalism, literary personalities, literary and theoretical uses of ego-documents
Languages: Russian

Published Articles: 

“'Don’t Get Angry, Just Pray:' The Ghost of Gogol in Dostoevsky’s Diary.” Dostoevsky Studies, Vol. 24 (2021). 

“‘O Mother, To Be Reborn With You:’ Foundational Myth in Viacheslav Ivanov’s Tantalus.” Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 75, No. 1 (2023).

Conference Presentations:

Reaping What One Sows: Agricultural Myth in Viacheslav Ivanov's Tantal” (AATSEEL, 2022)

“«Слаб, хотя и характерен»: Gogol’s Late Style and Diary of a Writer” (Princeton Gogolalia, 2023)