BA in Russian Studies and Music from McGill University (2017)
MA in Russian Studies from the University of Toronto (2018)
Year Begun: 2018
Research Interests:
Nightmares, Dreams, Semiotics of space, Russian opera
Conference Presentations:
“Photography in Turgenev’s ‘Klara Milich’: The Failure of a Medium” (ATSEEL 2020)
“Dust, Odor and Perfume in Petty Demon” (ASEEES, 2019)
“Obraz statui v povesti ‘Posle smerti’ Turgeneva” (Middlebury School of Russian Symposium, 2019)
“Klara Milich, The Opera: Narratives of Transcendence” (Princeton-Columbia Graduate Student Conference, 2019)
“The Unsung Melody: Music and Performance in Dostoevsky’s Eternal Husband” (ASEEES, 2018)
“The Mother Figure in “The Queen of Spades”: A Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Opera and Novella” (CAS, 2018)
“Pikovaia dama’: opera i povest’” (Middlebury School of Russian Symposium, 2018)
Languages: German, English, French, Russian