Emma George

Graduate Student

Year Begun: 2022

Research Interests: Russian literature and cultural history of the 18th and 19th centuries, historical fiction, imperialism and national identity, literature and music, popular print culture and the lubok, literary translation.

Languages: Russian, Polish, French (reading knowledge)


“Bazarov’s Heir: Revisiting Zola’s Souvarine and Ivan Turgenev’s Influence on Germinal.” Modern Language Notes 139, no. 5 (2024).  

Review of Russia, Europe and the World in the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. Rodolphe Baudin, Alexei Evstratov, Paul Keenan, and Vladislav Rjéoutski (Strasbourg University Press, 2023). Revue des études slaves XCV, no. 4 (2024). 

“Tolstoy’s Musical Critiques of Nationalist and Imperialist Violence: From War and Peace and its Drafts to “After the Ball”.” Tolstoy Studies Journal XXXV (2023), 96-100. 

«Поэзия (не)насилия. Международная конференция «Поэзия последнего времени» (Принстонский университет, 15-16 апреля 2023 года)». Новое литературное обозрение № 184/6 (2023). 

Conference Participation:

“Turgenev’s Germany: Landscape, Literature, and Memories of Youth in «Ася» and «Вешние воды».” Humboldt University, Berlin, 2024.

“Instead of a Historical Novel, a Romantic History: Imaginative History in Karamzin’s “Natalya, the Boyar’s Daughter” and “Marfa the Mayoress.” ASEEES, Boston, 2024.

Panelist/translator, “Bobyshev Writing in America.” “Akhmatova’s Orphans” conference, Princeton University, 2024. 

“«В чужие области скакать»: Envisioning the Linguistic, Cultural, and Spatial Expansion of the Russian Empire in Derzhavin’s «Фелица».” ASEEES, Philadelphia, 2023.

“Tolstoy’s Musical Critiques of Nationalist and Imperialist Violence in War and Peace and ‘After the Ball’.” Tolstoy Studies Journal Conference, Tbilisi, 2023.

Panelist/translator, "Translation in Wartime.” “Russian Poetry in a Time of War” conference, Princeton University, 2023.

“‘An Enormous Chorus, Moving in Rhythm’: Tolstoy’s Understanding of History and its Post-Romantic Musical Metaphors in War and Peace.” Princeton-Columbia Graduate Conference, 2023. 

A.B. in Slavic Studies, History, and Comparative Literature, Brown University (2022). Honors Thesis: “Engraving Empire: Lubok Prints and Russian Identities from the Enlightenment to Romanticism”