Graduate Students Conferences

About Slavic Conferences

Graduate students in the Slavic Department regularly organize conferences on topics of interest. These conferences provide an opportunity to interact with graduate students from other U.S. universities and abroad, as well as with established scholars who serve as keynote speakers and discussants.

Conference Themes

Conference themes are proposed by Princeton graduate students, generally in their third year of study.

Previous Conference Themes

2009: Pushkin/Anti-Pushkin

2010: Undoing Eros: Love and Sexuality in Russian Culture

2012: Literary Theatricality: Theatrical Text

2013: Conceptualizing the Human in Slavic and Eurasian Culture

2014: Dumpster Diving and Sustainability

2015: Philosophy and Literature: In Search of Lost Synergy

2016: In Media Res: Intermediality and the Borders of 20th Century Culture

2017: Grafting the Self

2022: The Byt of Literature, Literary Personalities, Scholarly Disclosures, and the Modes of Their Production

2023: The Art of Self-Obsession? Interrogating Slavic Ego-Documents and Auto-Fiction


Conference Funding

Students are eligible for funding to travel to national conferences to present papers. Fourth- year students who go abroad to do dissertation research are encouraged to apply for non-Princeton fellowships.