--Cordially, The Slavic Faculty
The illustration: Wassily Kandinsky, The Muses
The Slavic Department aspires to develop in its majors a critically informed appreciation for the literature and culture of Russia and the Slavic world.
About Us
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures welcomes intellectually curious students seeking to understand the cultures and societies of Russia and Eastern Europe.
The Princeton Slavic Department Ph.D. program provides students with a firm foundation in their major area as well as the opportunity to explore related fields.
Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
The Slavic Department works closely with the REEES to develop interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate courses and lectures. REEES offers a certificate track for undergraduates, and funding to support research and language study.
Slavic Digital Humanities Working Group
In conjunction with the Center for Digital Humanities, the Slavic DH Working group will hold workshops, talks, and other events beginning fall 2017. The working group features many ongoing projects, including Playing Soviet: The Visual Language of Early Soviet Children's Books, 1917-1953.